Tuesday 3 July 2012

Sell That Armour!

So from playing Tera for nearly two months now on the European servers I’ve started to notice that there aren’t too many ways to make money in the Brokerage. Unfortunately due to the removal of crafting quest givers being removed in the US and EU versions of the game it has made Crafting very awkward, especially after getting to 300 points in each profession.

So due to that, crafting is not really the best way to rack up money at 60 if selling the higher level materials at present. Today I will not be talking about making money via the crafting market today though. I will be talking about something that you have most likely noticed makes a lot of money, but for those that haven’t seen this. This is your chance to make the most out of it! And that is by selling all the armour or weapons that you slowly pick up while farming… or in dungeons or other places.

Enchanting is currently the easiest and by the looks of it the most preferred way to make money in-game. I’ve quite easily made a fair amount of gold just by selling armour or weapons for others to use in enchanting. Some of the lower level stuff is actually not worth selling on the Brokerage. Mainly because as I’ve said before, the vendor value is much greater. I still see people undercutting and then making their sales lower than vendor value which is ridiculous. Slowly but surely I have been compiling a price list of all the Tier 11 and 12 armour, weapons and accessories along with some other higher level items so you can find the cheaper things on the Brokerage and simply vendor them. Or even extract if a profit is to be made. However more on that in the future and back on to selling items for enchanting.

So, selling more specifically Tier 12 armour or weapons can easily rake in a few thousand gold a day if you are farming. You can also put your Broker skills to work and buy some gear low and sell it offer a little higher for more profit if you choose to do so. It’s a pretty simple format and I’m sure most of you readers have been previous MMO players so understand some of the ideas I am putting forward.  So sell all your Gold and Blue items via auction house as there is always someone who will likely buy it out because everyone needs to enchant their gear in this game. Currently I consider this the quickest way to make a large amount of gold each time round and hopefully you will also notice the profits of doing this.
That’s all for today guys, keep following me and fingers crossed I’ll have another article out very soon before the next Farm Spot Friday!

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