Monday 12 March 2012

Welcome to The Tera Broker

Here you will find all your gold making information for the upcoming game Tera Online which will be released in Europe and America in the upcoming months. I will be delving into the Tera Brokerage to let you readers know what is the best stuff to sell and to make a big pile of GOLD to sit on.

Over the next upcoming months before it's release I will be looking into the best items to start selling or grinding for. Whether that be an awesome weapon... or just materials for crafting... or even rare items which are sought by many. I will be giving you the best information I can find to help make everyone the greater Brokers in the world of Tera.

Keep reading and in the upcoming months you'll find me updating regularly. I am the first English Tera Brokerage  Information Site available and I hope to be the best!