Friday 6 July 2012

Farm Spot Friday!

Hey guys and gals, welcome to the second edition of Farm Spot Friday! Today I’m going to give you lovely readers’ one spot that I consider a pretty decent area to farm but also an area that will give you some reputation with the Valsekyr Hunt Faction. I know a lot of you are likely still levelling up your factions and of course if you didn’t know, the Valsekyr Hunt are the one faction you can grind reputation by simply farming mobs in the respective area of Val Kaeli. I’m going to mark my favourite spot to farm here which is quite a quiet spot where there will be little annoyances and the mobs are easy to kill which are based in the area of Argonea within Val Kaeli.

You can find these mobs (Kaldashi Charger) are just up the big hill south of the Agnurok Engine which I will mark on the map below. 

These mobs are pretty low in health and I’ve found them pretty easy to kill. The gold and loot dropped by these guys is pretty great and you can also gain 25 reputation from each kill you get as well as 1 Valsekyr Hunt Credit which really piles up after a while. I would say you could farm these for a day or two and easily max out the reputation with the Valsekyr Hunt Faction meaning you can buy all those awesome accessory crystals, accessories and other items which will lead to being able to get vanity items like the hats and eventually the awesome Panther mount.

Good luck farming and see you guys next week for more posts on how to make gold in Tera Online!

Next week Europe finally gets a large bundle of patches as well and hopefully some more cool ways to earn gold in-game woohoo!


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    1. Thank you very much! Be sure to follow me on Twitter and Subscribe! ^,^b

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